Saturday 17 December 2011

Roll up, Roll up

Quite possibly the scariest kids attraction in the world on Santa Cruz Beach.

Don't eat cheese along with this. Nightmares will come.

Taken in Santa Cruz, California coplumblog youtube

Argos Fail

A really dumb piece of advertising from Argos.
The whole point of ordering online is that you don't have to pick anything up.
You are not an online retailer if you have pickup stores - You are a pickup store with a website.


Taken in London 2011


I hate it when that happens.

Taken in London, 2011


Where did my hot sausage roll and jaffa cake donut bag from greggs go?...

Taken from youtube


Absolute Bollart.

Taken the internet

Brilliant spacial awareness

Effortless but amazing.

Taken from the internet

London Snood

There will come a day when a man turns up wearing a snood.
When they do, it will be an epic snood.

Taken in London, 2011

One man band

Sometimes you just wish you did this for a living.

Taken from youtube

Just man up

There are probably one million reasons why this would be plain wrong anywhere else.

But in London no one batters an eyelid.

Backpack on wheels?

Taken in London, 2011

A Beautiful picture

This guy has been drawing the same nonsense for 3 years in Covent Garden. 

The same picture over and over again.

Then one day he actually did something worthy of the turner prize.

Taken in London, 2011

Waving Bear


Taken from youtube

Meanwhile in London

You get a lot of weird birds in London, mostly all from Essex with under fitting pink hen party t-shirts on.

However, this was the day it became acceptable to walk down the street with a parrot on.

Taken in London, 2011

Jewbeer? Jeer? Bew?

You can just imagine everyone sitting around a table with a brief of 'create an Ad for a Jewish Party'.

Suddenly Colin breaks the silence and goes.. Guys. Stop right there. I nailed it.

Taken in Ukraine, 2011


Just stick him in the back dave.

Taken in Ukraine, 2011

Indian Keytar

If your free home delivery on orders over £10 is not pulling in the punters...
Then call in the Darkness.

Taken in London, 2010

A confused van

Taxi for the designer.

Taken in London, 2011

It has a point.

A good life lesson...

Taken in London, 2009